A complete guide
June 19, 2020

Buying a car during Coronavirus;

The world as we know it has changed for the foreseeable future. From the way we greet family members and friends,

to the way we buy cars, everything is different and we have to take precautionary measures to ensure the safety of our families.

One of the industries that has been hard hit by the outbreak is the auto industry

We have compiled a list of common questions that we receive from time to time. check our faq page 

Are car dealers open to business?

Yes, as of mid-May 2020, all new and used car dealerships are opened in the UAE. Most, if not all, provide some type of sanitation for all cars in their showroom and for the facility itself.

-Corona virus and your car

Corona virus can live on plastic and metal surfaces for up to 72 hours, and most cars will contain these two materials. It is essential to clean some of the connection points in your car.

Here are the internals that need to be cleaned regularly.
Credit: Carwow
For the exterior, you should always clean the door handles before entering.

You can find more information on how to sterilize your car.